The online GU-ART examination is scheduled on 23rd and 24th July 2020. Please refer the Test schedule at following link:
Goa University has appointed mUniversity to conduct the Online Test. Registered candidates have been sent login credentials ( login id and Password) through email to access the mUniversity portal. Candidates can appear for the test through Mobile App or Laptop/Desktop.

Also, refer to step by step Guidelines/Instructions for answering the online test:

Candidates are requested to go through the guidelines in detail.

Candidates answering through the Mobile App need internet connectivity at the time of the start of the test and at the time of the end of the test.
Candidates answering through Laptop/Desktop need internet connectivity throughout the test.

Candidates are requested to answer the Mock Test available from 7 pm, 21st July 2020 to 1 PM 22nd July 2020.  

All the Faculty members/ Principals of Colleges are requested to inform the above to PG Programme aspirants.

For any clarification or assistance in the online examination, the candidates may be requested to contact Academic-PG Section through email at

General Instructions

Guidelines to appear for MCQ Exam-Laptop

Guidelines to appear for MCQ Exam-Mobile App

Test Schedule- GU-ART Round

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